today seems like one of those days... days when friends seem like a zillion light years away..days when the mind is swallowed by its own isolated solitude...days when hope of warmer days and sunny shores dims in the dark shades of strife... days when the profession of arms calls for a sacrifice of individuality and the self...
well and then there are days when i beat the drudgery of an overdose of olive
life in the army was never meant to be a walk in the clouds... the sacrifices it
... but then this life is not for all... the charms of the uniform and the rifle still draws more gullibles to become heroes in a world so far far away. It sometimes strikes me as i lead soldiers into the shadow of death- when fears have blinded ones vision and holding your wits straight is just too damn crazy- that
with great power comes great responsibility
spiderman's story doesn't seem too different... life sucks king size in his world... time and
...life in this crazy town is so damn close to spidey's tale that i feel i could start wearing the red and blue outfit to swing around town...life sure has been a trip into a nintendo game...kinda sacrificed too much too soon...lost friends to the growing distances and time...in solitude I've been drifting to bygone days when things were normal
in all this gloomy chaos I've sure found nirvana in sublime glory and honour...i have definitely touched lives i would have never met other wise...lived days like it was the pages of history turning in some wild war flick...seen this, done that, been there... and oooh yeah survived shitzone big time ....and so i live each day for glory and honour..
this is me...lone wolf dancing to his own lil tune in a world where cold steel can be a warm friend...
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